Planting A Tree on the Vesuvius

The focus of the work is the tension between the residents and the natural environment in the region of Campania which is dominated by Mount Vesuvius. Although more than 600,000 inhabitants of the danger zone are threatened by a potential eruption, the population has not decreased since the last eruption 50 years ago, but even increased. Some of the most prominent reasons for them to take the risk of living there are the fertile soil thanks to the volcanic ash, the tourism resource and perhaps the Dionysian spirit in their blood.

Considering the local stress in Campania, in October 2012 I brought a small cypress with me from Germany to Italy and planted it at the edge of the volcanic crater. The cypress obviously an alien species would likely become the first victim of a future eruption. The action not only highlights the contradictory situation at the foot of the dangerous volcano, but also refers, in terms of my identification as a foreigner in Europe, on the issue of migration as a global phenomenon.



